Mobile Statistics and Facts For 2011

Microsoft Tag has just released a infographic highlighting statistics on how people are using mobile phones in 2011.

The infographic shows that In 2014, mobile internet usage will overtake desktop internet usage and already in 2011, more than 50% of all “local” searches are done from a mobile device. Plus over 1 billion of the worlds 4+ billion mobiles phones are now smartphones, and 3 billion are SMS enabled (weirdly, 950 million mobile phones still don’t have SMS capabilities).

86% of mobile users are watching TV while using a mobile phone, 200+ million (1/3 of all users) access Facebook from a mobile device and 91% of all mobile internet use is “social” related.

Plus 29% of mobile users are open to scanning a mobile tag to get coupons.

I have also included a great video that features a array of great mobile “growth” statistics, stats and facts for 2011.

2011 Mobile Statistics Stats Facts Marketing - Infographic