IST Power

IST Power is a renowned group of specialist transformer manufacturers engaged in the design, engineering, manufacture, and supply of a wide range of transformers and other wound components up to 10.0MVA in rating, and for system voltages up to 66kV. They have developed considerable expertise in voltages typically up to 66kV (for HT Testing Transformers 200kV ).

The group has expanded from its traditional markets (railways, shipbuilding, defence, semiconductor manufacture and HT testing) , to include manufacturers of Earthing Products and High Powered Laser products, large Power transmission and Distribution OEMs and Regional Electricity Companies.


  • Redesign their ‘IST Power’ logo to stand-out more.
  • Redesign the website with a fresh professional look and feel.
  • Pages to be easily updated via a content management system.
  • Build a blog to post all their latest news articles and case studies.
  • Optimise the website for search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.


IST Power - Home

IST Power - About


Launch Website


Our Services: Web DesignContent Management SystemSearch Engine Optimisation
Technologies Used: Wordpress, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery